Deep learning and financial predictions

This article concerns the use of deep learning techniques in predicting stock prices. This was the topic of Vittorio Cecchetto: "Deep Learning for natural language analysis in the field of stock market movement prediction."  The prediction of a stock price, in [...]

Convolutional neural networks in Zooarchaeology, for classifying bird specimens

  Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques have become increasingly useful tools in many fields, such as medicine, economy, environmental sciences and gaming. Over the last ten years, AI-based methods have also been explored in archaeology (GUALANDI et al., 2021) and, [...]

A stable neural network for Image Super Resolution

This article is about the of stability of neural networks output when dealing with the Image Super Resolution problem, i.e. that of recovering the original high-resolution image by a corrupted low-resolution version of it. This was the topic of the [...]

MAGOH project – Managing Archaeological data for a sustainable GOvernance of the Heritage

We are glad to take part in MAGOH - Managing Archaeological data for a sustainable GOvernance of the Heritage project, funded by Regione Toscana! One step ahead toward the classification, the management and the storage of archaeological data from the [...]

R for aRchaeologists School @University of Pisa

The Winter School “R 4 aRchaeologists” is built around a new paradigm, which takes into consideration archaeologists as both producers and users of digital archaeological data. Gabriele Gattiglia (@University of Pisa), Nevio Dubbini (@Miningful Studio), Francesco Carrer (@Mazomos), and Joe [...]

Miningful Studio at #CrossRoads – integrated pathways in neurological treatments

Promoting integrated pathways in the treatment of neurological diseases is one of the main objectives of #CrossRoads, the conference to be held in Pisa on September 21-22 at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies. A workshop at the beginning of the [...]

WakeUP – 15 anni dell’Incubatore del Polo Tecnologico di Navacchio

Some shots from WakeUP, an event with some of the key players in innovation and start-ups, where Miningful Studio took part. Organized by Navacchio Techno Park to celebrate fifteen years of its incubator. [...]

Data-Driven Humanities

Data-driven methods are becoming more and more important in Humanities. Fundamental. Digital tools have been producing a huge increase in the amount of data, in forms that only computers can process. A point has been reached where manual analyses of [...]

Data Mining: Fifty Shades of Literature

Grey literature is the material produced by organizations or individuals outside the standard commercial or academic publishing. It can take the form of reports, working papers, evaluations, theses, blogs, preprints, field notes, and it is generally produced to store or [...]

The kind you look up and the kind you make up – It’s statistics!

Statistics deals with methods for collecting, summarizing, analyzing, interpreting and presenting data. Statistics is a highly interdisciplinary field, since it can be applied virtually everywhere. Everywhere you have data. The theory underlying statistical methods deeply rely on mathematical and computational [...]